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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

oh my elf!!
i cant believed i step on a butterfly jus nw
i so cant belive it
it so huge man
n unfortunately, i stepped on it n killed it completely
im so darn sorie, butterfly
may GOD forgive me
yea, movin along,
had cca but attend only frem 8-9
n tat cheeennaa teacher damn eff
n im grouped wit some unknown guys
hope tmr okay alrd, n can shoot e video
9-10:had bio
break:went to get bubble tea
1030-1230:maths lesson
good tyn is tat its e last maths lesson fer hols
bad tyn is tat i cudnt cncentrate,
thnks to CALISTA GOH
u sure din get high due to e bubble tea
n teachin her malay is funny
but i njoyed it
hopin fer more malay lessons to come
n u two 2 get along again aites
had cca n bio tmr again
tc lovellys

{{ 5:10 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Monday, May 26, 2008

onlyne again!
n finalie had e mood to blog
last sat, went jln2 as per usual
to aunt's place
n was bored lyk syhhht
sun had religious class
slack more
had 4 hrs of lesson todae
such a boredom
coz its maths
n im gettin cnfused as it gets by
feel lyk droppin amaths luhh
bt i shall try my bez
oh n in between breaks,
watched shakila take e physical test
nt bad ehh
saw many ppl too
ouh n i swear her legs gna be pain
coz i had it alrd n it sort of gone by nw
kla gtg
tmr have to hand in maths,
im off to it!!
tc lovellys

{{ 3:09 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Friday, May 23, 2008

finalie bloggin todae
sooooooo damn tired
n was glad to have finished tat test
n yes!!! i passed
but unfortunately, i was e last
im a gerl of course, we had lyk 9 guys n two gerls includin me jus nw
my stamina sucks, so yea
6 rounds ard e outside of sch,
30 push ups n climb 12 stories high of stairs
all continuous.almost fainted
coz most din had breakfast
but broke e tyme limit wic is 50 mins
i managed to get 39 plusplus mins
yeo khee was darn fast can
im jelez
more trainin to come
n shakila better nt back out
i hope.
got back results,it was alrite tho
congrats to e top scorers in 3e3
i had to buck up more
ok den,tc lovellys
wana slp sooonnn
njoy ur hols!

let's sort tis out, boy

{{ 1:56 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Thursday, May 22, 2008

i had fun ystrday,but tired completely!
we had to help e career day thingy so yea
n played wit e mics
funnyfunny,thnks maris fer entertaining me
unfortunately,we had to be slaves fer a moment
damn bs sia
esp wit mrs peters
she said,'umm gerls,dere's some litter over here'
eventho its effin near her
wth's wrong wit her;lazy ass shyt
thnks aida fer helpin some
todae was boring but e endin part had class bonding
finalie it was a success
xcept tat we din get pizzas coz of someone
but is okay tho
tmr's e day we get back our report cards
n my physical test
damn,i dun wana do it
but fer e sake of e trip,im doin it
so yea
had to run, push ups n climb steps
i hope i pass luhhs
n tmr's e last sch day
eh, actualie nt luhh
coz still need to go back to sch
wahhh, siannn lahhh
tc den lovellys

imy, boy. like totally
but u din seem to care
n its lyk fadin away, our love story

{{ 3:26 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Monday, May 19, 2008

well, im basically bloggin again coz im bored
while waitin fer e rice to cook
todae's movie was cancelled
due to everyone's buzyness
nehmind, i understand
oh i reli hope FLINKY cud go oud again one day
jus to watch congkak
i heard its scary
n im deciding whether to withdraw myself frem watchin
BUT unfortunately, i had e urge to watch n also e scared feelin
i bet all of u are lyk tat rite:D
oookkayy den, i enjoyed myself jus nw,
went oud fer fun,joy n laughter
its e best lah kans
thnks lovellys
n im missin u so much,love
reli aloot luhhs,
ps, i love you

{{ 8:02 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Sunday, May 18, 2008

boowee lovellys
ysterday went jln2 due to mummy's craving
so yeahh, went to tekka
just to eat e thosai
n den walked to PS
bought some stuffs n home!!
jus nw met my lovellys at religious class
n mayb n hopefully tmr we're goin oud to watch congkak!
but nt reli sure luhhs
kyla din come so if anytyn i'll msg u kays
oh n tmr's vesak day, which means it s a hol fer us
tc ppl

{{ 5:34 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Friday, May 16, 2008

i failed ss luhh..
wth, that liao marked very strict one
wahh, but nvm
tats e only one subj tat i failed so far
eng stil haven get back paper 2
im bored luhh
n i wanna go out soon soon soon
i wonder y we're all so sleepy n bored after exams
lyk no reason
ystrday went oud wit fazzy!
laughing n gossiping were our hobbies
it was fun recallin our past yrs
somehow it made me miss my old frens more
n wantin to turn back tyme so tat its p6 again
i cant wait till teachers' dae. so tat i cud meet up wit dem again
n im missing u bdly, love
n cuzzie plus amir, plus busu n all
wahh, okeh den
tc lovellys

{{ 10:19 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

im kinda elated except fer e fact tat
i had some marks wic are lyk phuck
niwae got ard 5 papers so far
emaths-wic i score high
amaths-wic i got a b3(damn,yl beat me in tis)
geo-14.5/25(i passed,yeahh!)
malay-is okay tho
bio part 2-43.5/65(i thnk)
n eng letter writing-21/30
(it was shockin coz im nt even close to good in language)
oh n poa-96/100(happyhappy)
those who says ur gna hate me coz of e marks,
u bette dun,coz it jus happens tat i get dem nw
wait n see e EOY results
sure lyk phuck
well, i happie fer nw
n june hols will be quite bz i gues
dere's e2 chalet, i thnk
e werk thngy at ssc
n i jus hope i cud go to melacca
i reli wana go dere, pls!
i miss dem all
n i miss you,love
gtg den
sweetdreams lovelllys

{{ 9:47 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Friday, May 9, 2008

countin down to mothers' day!
as all mother's are being appreciatedd muchmuch!
n mon as it will be e last day of exams
yiippeee yay!
*doing happie dance
emaths paper was tricky but managed to cmplete on tyme
can slack fer two daes b4 revisin again
i miss nachilahh syg!
long tyme nv meet luhh cuz
n my lovely FLINKY
must go oud some day okies
im bored lyk totallie
nvm, im off to playin games sooon
bye lovelies
oh n tc yea
memories last a life tyme,u know

{{ 5:01 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop

Thursday, May 8, 2008

im almost over the rainbow,
hoping to find tat pot of gold,in my case its hopin fer MYE to be over
i bet i wud flunk some papers
esp chem n geo luhhhs
all mind blank on e spot eventho i got read n studied
chem-i even woke up in e mornin to study
n din xpect tat i cudnt ans much qns tho
wahhhh, wasted
but its okay i gues
coz bio paper todae was easy peasy lemon squeezy:D
n i hope it will pull up my chem marks
so yeahh, 9 down,
two more to go !!
left wit emaths tmr n mcq sci on mon
thnks fer e advice darl n sis fer helpin me study biol
i knew y u cudnt slp ystrdae
its coz e revision wit me made u BIOL!
tc lovelies
all e best!

{{ 3:53 PM -
& can't stop, won't stop


her name's nadiah osman
prefered to be called dyah osh in short=D
egg cracked on 23 feb '93
was blessed with lots of friends
sweet seventeen
am a mixed blood
happily attached(:
heart only for family & barley & friends
hit stats


just more clothes
bag kotak
havaiannas slippers
happy always
that samsung sleek camera!
get good grades for O's!
L1R4- 10 to 14 or less?


*beloved 6I'o5
*ching may
*guan ying
*hockey siong
*khairul arif
*miao ying
*tha sista((:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
*xue feng


December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


Designer : purplekisses-
Helped On The Fonts[Pic] & Some PS brushes :Agnes
Brushes: Dafont ; Moargh.
Image: Deviantart - vainas , Shanezory [: